Martha: Sounds like you have a big heart. I heard you've been called the Avenging Angel, and also one of the Dantes.
Porter: Oh, I was never a Dante. In fact, there never were any Dantes. That was just one of the many Missourian myths about me. Well, what on earth are you doing out here, in Salt Lake City, Utah?
Martha: I heard the story of the restoration of the Gospel, and joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I understand you have too, and have even helped the prophets. Did you know Joseph Smith, and Brigham Young?
Porter: Yes. Both of them. In fact all of them. Let me tell you about Joseph. We were dear friends from childhood. My family moved from Mass to NY right next to the Smith family, when I was about eight or nine, and I met Joseph then. We became best friends. He even had a limp, like me.