Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Martha: Limp? What happened?
Porter: Well, before we moved, I fell and broke my leg. The doc set it incorrectly, so it's two inches shorter than the other one - see here? And Joseph, he had an infection on his bone, it was a terrible mess. So that leg was stunted in growth. We were the limping buddies! I loved Joseph, he was a great man. He even baptized me into the Church. You know, it was before he baptized his wife, Emma, which I'm not sure she was too happy about. Well, I've been strong in the Church all along. Even with the persecution, I never gave up my faith.
Why, I even used to pick berries long into the night, and chop to sell firewood, so I could give money to the Church to help 'em out.
I was Joseph Smith's body guard, too - out of love for him. But you know something, on the day he was murdered by the mobs in Carthage Jail, he had asked me to not go out there to guard him - indicated to me he and the Lord had something else in mind.

And I know Brigham Young quite well, too. He asked me to help lead the Saints across the plains into the Salt Lake Valley. I was scouting out trails and watching out for Injuns, and some I times brought back some food - like a buffalo, to the wagon companies.

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