Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Martha: Was that the only time you were in prison? I heard you were in prison in Illinois.
Porter: Yea, it wasn't fun. I was in prison again later, in Illinois. After the mobs killed our beloved Prophet Joseph, they kinda' settled down, thinkin' they'd stopped the Church. When they saw were were growin' anyways, well, they started harassing the Saints again, getting really bad and fierce, and destroying their homes and everything. One time I was guarding a group of Saints gathered together for safety, and a US Marshall and I were with the crowd, when suddenly a big mob of them evil men started coming over the hill on horseback. They had anger and the look of the devil in their eyes, and we all knew it was going to be a massacre for the Saints right then. The Marshall, he turned to me and said 'Port, do something to stop that mob from commin'.'
So I headed up toward the mob, pulling my rifle from where I'd stowed it under my big coat. At the front of the mob I saw Frank Worril, who had sworn to protect the Prophet Joseph while he was in Carthage Jail, but when the mobs came to the jail to get the Prophet, he was no where to be found on that fateful day. Gotta' admit I felt some anger inside for how he'd betrayed my close friend and beloved Prophet, and some pitty for the man, too. Yet I knew inside what I needed to do, so I pointed my rifle at him and shot, as if he'd been delivered into my hands by the Lord. As soon as he went down, the whole mob seemed to get scared, and they started turning right and left and high-tailing it out of there as fast as they could. That's all it took to keep all them righteous Saints safe that day.

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